Fixed braces

at One Smile Dental

“Advancements in braces make the old style ‘train tracks’ a thing of the past”

If you think there is only one type of metal teeth brace, you’re in for a surprise. Although not as popular as some of the less obvious alternatives, metal braces are still used for the majority of orthodontic treatment. They are less expensive than ceramic or custom metal brackets and are comfortable to wear, they are a great option for children as they can be customised with different colours making them a little bit fun as well!


About fixed appliances

A fixed appliance is the most common type of orthodontic brace. Most patients require the use of fixed orthodontic appliances to straighten their teeth and achieve the best possible improvement of their smile. As there are a few stages we go through to put your braces on, this will mean you may need to have more than one appointment. They can be used either after or at the same time as removable braces or functional braces.  We tend to find that a fair number of patients benefit from more then one type of brace although most will have fixed braces.

A thin archwire is fitted to link up all the brackets. Because the teeth are irregular, the wire has to bend up and down or in and out between the teeth. This is the clever bit: the wire, a bi-product of NASA research, has perfect shape memory and will gradually return to its original shape, bringing the teeth with it. As treatment progresses, larger size wires and other wire materials are used. At this time, tiny springs and elastics guide the teeth.

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Metal braces

These are the most common types of appliances that people think of when they hear “braces”.

They are small metal brackets that are attached to each individual tooth with a metal wire running through. This system allows for full and precise movement of the teeth. They are common in private treatment as they tend to work the fastest out of the fixed appliances due to the lesser friction between the brackets and the wires. These can be customised with coloured elastics if you feel so inclined.

The key features and benefits of metal braces are:

  • Fast Working

  • Robust and Durable

  • Cost Effective

  • Visible

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Ceramic braces

These appliances are more favoured by people that have public facing positions. Although they tend to work more slowly than metal braces due to the difference in material between brackets and wires, they can be a lot more discreet than their metal counterparts. Our Clarity™ ceramic system includes resistance to heavily staining foods and drinks such as bolognaise, curry, tea and coffee so you can eat and drink more freely during treatment without worrying about staining your braces.

The key features and benefits of ceramic braces are:

  • More Discrete

  • Stain Resistant

  • Slightly Longer Treatment

  • Middling Cost

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The Damon System

Unlike conventional type braces where the wire is engaged with a small elastic, the Damon system uses gentle forces to create a fuller smile by using a gate system. This lessens the need for extractions in certain cases. Damon also works to upright the teeth to add to your smile’s appeal. Studies have shown that a fuller, wider smile is considered more attractive. Their system also allows the wire to move more freely and can cut treatment time down in some cases. This system is available in metal and clear ceramic.

The key features and benefits of The Damon System braces are:

  • Option of Metal or Ceramic

  • Less Likely to need Extractions

  • Fuller and Wider Smile

  • Increased Cost

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NHS options

NHS orthodontic treatment is free for people under the age of 18 with a clear health need for treatment. But because of high demand, there can be a long waiting list.

A rating system called the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) is used to assess eligibility for NHS treatment.

NHS treatment is available for grade 4 and grade 5 cases. Grade 3 cases are usually judged on an individual basis. NHS treatment may also be available if the appearance of your teeth, jaw or face is of concern.

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What happens at the first appointment?

The orthodontist and their team will ask about what you are hoping to achieve and then will examine your mouth to assess your current condition and any problems. You may need to have X-rays and/or photographs taken. The orthodontist will then want to discuss the options for treatment with you and agree how to proceed. Digital scans or sometimes impressions or "moulds" of your teeth may also be needed.

It is very unlikely that you would have braces fitted at the first appointment.

How do I choose which type of brace to have?

A good orthodontist will discuss all the possible types of brace that can be used for your problem and explain each of these options together with the costs, risks and benefits of each one. The brace choice is therefore HOW the orthodontist is proposing meeting your needs and achieving the best outcome from your current condition or problem.

There are also different options for WHAT can be improved such as simple straightening or full bite correction. You should be wary if you are only offered one option or one type of brace. It is always advisable to ask the orthodontist how much training they have had in orthodontics and the brace system being suggested.

Does orthodontic treatment hurt?

No, orthodontic treatment doesn’t hurt, although at various stages throughout your treatment you may experience some discomfort. This is usually around the time you have your braces tightened or you are given your next set of aligners. This discomfort can be effectively treated with pain relief such as paracetamol.

What should I expect from my Orthodontist?

Your orthodontist should always ask you about your concerns, outline the different treatment options and their risks and benefits, explain about the different types of appliances and an estimate of how long the treatment should take. They should also explain about retainers and how likely the teeth are to stay in their new position at the end of treatment and give you a written Treatment Plan and cost estimate.

How long does treatment take?

Treatment time with the Damon System is typically much faster than with conventional braces. Also, fewer appointments are required during treatment.

Since the Damon System works so quickly, does that mean it is harsh or unsafe?

On the contrary, what makes the Damon System work so quickly is that it uses lighter, gentle forces than many traditional braces. The low friction nature of the system and the light force shape memory wires are designed to gently guide your teeth into their ideal position with less discomfort than traditional braces.

Will my teeth hurt after adjustments?

Very light "shape memory" titanium wires are used that gently guide your teeth to their ideal position. Many people experience very little discomfort.

Aren't braces big and bulky?

Not any more! Braces are smaller than they were just a few years ago, and new options like Damon Clear can help make them more discreet than the metal braces you may remember. Damon Braces have a small bracket size and profile with smooth, rounded corners designed for both aesthetics and patient comfort.

What about adult treatment?

It's not too late! Healthy adults can often be treated just as easily as children. Healthy teeth can be moved at any age. In fact, according to the American Association of Orthodontists today about 1 in 5 patients is an adult. Many patients are treated into their 60s, 70s and beyond.

*Many patients seek treatment even if they had braces in their youth. If you're looking into treatment as an adult be sure to consider Damon Braces. In a consumer survey, over 70% of consumer who had previously undergone Orthodontic treatment stated they would have preferred to have received a Damon smile when shown a picture.***American Association of Orthodontists**Source: Propeller Research, “Healthy Smile IQ” poll of 1,011 US consumers, September 14–17, 2019.Clinical images courtesy of Dr. Stuart Frost.

How much does the Damon System treatment cost?

We know that cost is a big question for anyone considering braces. The truth is, only your doctor can determine the cost for your specific treatment. It depends a lot on the kind of treatment you need and how long it will take. Damon Braces are usually similar to the cost of traditional braces. We will help you find options to make your treatment affordable. We offer flexible and affordable monthly payment plans, many with no down payment and no interest. We also offer third party patient financing program.

Does insurance cover Damon System treatment?

Because medical benefits differ significantly from policy to policy, you should review your policy coverage. If you have Orthodontic coverage, Damon System braces are covered to the same extent as regular braces.

What payment options are available?

We will help you find options to make your treatment affordable. we offer flexible and affordable monthly payment plans, many with no down payment and no interest.

We also offer third party patient financing programs specifically designed for healthcare expenses, making it easier for you to get the treatment or procedures you want and need.