Dental Implants

at One Smile Dental

A dental implant is a perfect solution if you are missing one tooth or multiple teeth. A dental implant can be used to support the most natural looking tooth replacement and can dramatically improve your smile, eating and confidence.


Types of Implants

A dental implant is a perfect solution if you are missing one tooth or multiple teeth. A dental implant can be used to support the most natural looking tooth replacement and can dramatically improve your smile, eating and confidence. At One Smile Dental we offer a full range of dental implant solutions including:

  • Single tooth dental implant

  • Multiple teeth dental implants

  • All of your teeth dental implants

  • Denture stabilisation with dental implants

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Single Dental Implant

If you have a single missing tooth, a single implant is the best solution for you.The appearance of teeth at the front of the mouth is important for many of us and dental implants have become the first choice for many patients who are missing a tooth from their smile!

A single titanium implant is placed into the bone and once healed, a custom made cosmetic crown is made to fit onto the implant and match nearby teeth to look natural.

The dental implant will function, look and feel just like your own tooth.

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Multiple Dental Implants

More than one missing tooth can lead to a large gap in your mouth resulting in difficulty eating, speaking and affecting the appearance of your smile. Multiple dental implants can be placed to restore the gap. These can be as a combination of single implants and cosmetic crowns or a cosmetic bridge connecting implants together.

The number of dental implants required depends on a number of factors. We will discuss all options with you at your consultation.

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Implant retained Dentures

If you struggle wearing your dentures or they become loose and move about, causing difficulty in eating and speaking, dental implants can be used to secure your denture into position. Two to four implants are placed in the lower jaw and four implants in the upper jaw, allowing the denture to be secured into position when needed and removed to clean with ease.

Implant secured dentures are also more comfortable than traditional type dentures, allowing you to retain a more natural biting and chewing function.

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