About Orthodontics

at One Smile Dental

Teeth straightening, also know as orthodontics, is a long term commitment so finding the right method for you and your lifestyle is important. Orthodontics is a specialist form of dentistry which aims to straighten teeth and align jaws to produce a healthier bite and a perfect smile.

Orthodontics isn’t simply about straight teeth, it can make a difference to your appearance, your bite and your overall oral health. It’s a dental specialty which blends science and art...


Treatable cases

Ideally our teeth would bite down in a very specific way to optimise function and oral health. Unfortunately, our teeth are almost never naturally perfect and this can cause problems with chewing, oral hygiene, speaking and aesthetics.

Orthodontic treatment is often carried out when we are teenagers and our teeth have developed to a point where any problems are clearly identifiable and it is therefore the best time to treat them for the long term.

However with continuous advances in technology, orthodontic treatment for adults is becoming more popular. The traditional ‘train-track’ metal braces are no longer the only choice for straightening teeth, you can now choose a more modern, more efficient and more discreet brace system to achieve the smile you want and the good news is that many of these orthodontic conditions are very treatable in adults!

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Digital dentistry

From the scanners we use to comfortably gain a model of your teeth to the state of the art processes used to create your bespoke aligner, brace or retainer, digital dentistry is a vital part of service we offer at One Smile Dental.

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Living with braces

When you have your appliance fitted, we will show you how to look after the appliance and your teeth.

It is important to keep your teeth and the appliance clean throughout the treatment, you will need to attend regular appointments so your brace can be adjusted, or to collect your next set of aligners.

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Orthodontics for adults

Spend time showing off your smile, not hiding it!

Many adults spend their entire lives covering their mouths when they laugh, smile or talk. They feel stuck because they do not want to wear metal braces for years or they are concerned that other corrective procedures could be too invasive or too expensive.

We have helped 1000's of patients get the smile they have dreamed of. We offer a rage of  brace solutions and w have lots of ways of making sure your new smile is affordable, including offering interest free payments.

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Patient finance

At One Smile Dental we very much appreciate that investing in orthodontic treatment is an important decision, we are therefore pleased to offer our patients finance payment facilities to help you spread the cost of your new smile.

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Orthodontics for children

Orthodontic treatment can be provided at any age, even though most people think of pre-teens and teens when they think of orthodontics.

We would recommend starting the process while the child is still growing, by taking advantage of growth spurts, and with early orthodontic treatment we can hope to move the teeth and jaw into a better alignment quicker and the results are likely to be more stable.  

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Common questions

If you have any questions about teeth straightening aligners or orthodontic braces, it is likely we have been asked it before! Check out the common questions we have been asked here. If you still have questions get in touch and we will get back to you.

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Patient reviews