Cosmetic dentistry

at One Smile Dental

Cosmetic dentistry can further improve the appearance of your teeth. We offer a wide range of effective cosmetic treatments that can help improve the appearance of discoloured, worn or chipped teeth. Our cosmetic dental treatment options are a perfect finishing touch to your teeth straightening journey.


Teeth whitening

Teeth can easily become discoloured by tea, coffee, red wine or other foods and drinks with strong colourings. Teeth whitening is a simple procedure that can effectively lighten the natural colour of your teeth without removing any of the tooth surfaces. The whitening effects can last up to three years.

At One Smile Dental, we offer teeth whitening using the safe and easy to use Boutique whitening or Enlighten®️ home whitening kits.

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Composite bonding

Composite bonding is the use of a composite material that is then bonded to reshape, rebuild, or fill damaged teeth. It is a very simple and minimally invasive cosmetic procedure to improve the aesthetics of your smile if you have any small gaps, chips or worn teeth.

The treatment itself can normally be done in just one appointment with your dentist. First, your dentist will match the colour of the composite resin with the rest of your teeth, this ensures that your smile will look as natural as possible. The resin will then be placed onto the required tooth and moulded into the correct shape.

By 'bonding' tooth-coloured composite material to your existing teeth the shape, size and profile of your teeth can be positively transformed. It is usually a pain-free procedure as in most cases the teeth themselves do not need to be drilled in order to bond the material.

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Dental hygiene

Along with the dentist, our hygienist will provide oral hygiene advice including dietary advice, home mouth care, the use of fluoride and all the latest gadgets which will help maintain your oral health.

Hygienists are trained to help you improve or maintain the health of your gums and most people will see the hygienist two or three times a year. Regular visits will ensure your gums remain as healthy and strong as possible.

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